How to remove or change the Shipping calculated at checkout and Tax included text displayed below the product price?
If you have products in your online store that don't require shipping, such as a digital product or a service, you may want to remove the Shipping calculated at checkout text that appears on the product page. This message can confuse customers, as they may assume that shipping costs are included even though they do not apply to the product.
To remove the Shipping calculated at checkout text, you can access the language editor page in your Shopify admin > Themes > Edit default theme content.
Once you have accessed the language editor page, search for the text calculated at checkout and delete it. This will remove the message from the product page and provide clarity for customers who may be interested in purchasing the product.
If you also need to hide the Tax included text under the product price, this can be removed from the language editor page by navigating to your Shopify admin > Themes > Edit default theme content. On the language editor page, search and delete the Tax included text, then click Save.