Image and video size recommendations


Your theme will look best when you provide the largest source images possible. The theme will automatically load the right size for the right situation, making sure your site loads as quickly as possible. We recommend JPG over PNG files for better load times.


Because the product page's desktop layout is adjustable, we recommend thinking about your photography and how it will appear with mobile in mind first.

For most products a portrait (3:4 or 2:3) or square (1:1) aspect ratio will ensure that your product can be accurately shown in full detail on your store without the need to pinch or zoom.

Depending on your product shape, choose from one of the aspect ratios below:

Recommended aspect ratio


Minimum size

532px wide

710px tall

Recommended size

1065px wide

1420px tall

Recommended size (2x zoomable)

2130px wide

2840px tall

Heroes, Slideshows, Collection headers

Recommended aspect ratio


Minimum size

1440px wide

810px tall

Recommended size

2880px wide

1620px tall

Note: You can use the section height settings to crop the image for your situation

For slideshow images on mobile, a 1:1 aspect ratio with a minimum size of 800 x 800px is recommended.

Blog posts

Recommended aspect ratio

4:3 (adjustable through settings)

Minimum size

440px wide

330px tall

Recommended size

2880px wide

1410px tall

Mega menu

Mega menu images are pulled from your collection image and look best at an approximate 17:8 aspect ratio.

If not using full-page collection images, the recommended size is 510px wide by 234px tall.

Video sections

Recommended hosting method

.mp4 or YouTube

Recommended aspect ratio


Minimum size

1280px wide

720px tall

Recommended size

1920px wide

1080px tall

Note: You can use the section height settings to crop the video for your situation and for mobile devices

For product videos, use the same size as your product images.

Why are my images getting cut off?

Our themes use responsive imagery in many of the full-width, edge-to-edge image sections. Really tall images will tend to get cropped if used in a full-width section using responsive imagery. Using images with a landscape ratio, like 16:9, as well as using Shopify's focal point feature will ensure that the most important elements in your images are shown.