Expanse Release Notes


Available exclusively on the Shopify Theme Store

v5.2.3 - July 4, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Revert "Retain theme editor config from modern/main"

v5.2.2 - July 4, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Install components v2.10.64

v5.2.1 - June 21st, 2024

Fixes and other improvements

  • Missing 'X' icon in footer section

  • Modal opening fix on password page

  • Price display on collection page

  • Properly render blank theme editor values on section

v5.2.0 - June 13, 2024



  • Full rebuild of main product section! Now faster, more modular, and extendable than ever!

  • Dropped manual approach for building structured data. Instead, we use the new structured_data filter.

  • Replaced Twitter icon with X icon

Fixes and other improvements

  • Newsletter reminder will no longer flash in the header on initial load

  • Improved the size of theme modals on mobile viewports

  • Media with Text video now plays consistently

  • Main menu can now be displayed in mobile footer when setting is enabled

  • Fixed issue with slideshow not reloading after changing section settings

  • Improved spacing around 'view all' links on mobile

  • Improved spacing below Cart note

  • Fixed issue with collection image not showing for selected collections on list collections template

  • Fixed issue with hero video loading incorrectly

  • Fixed issue with Gift card recipient form not working inside of Quickshop

  • Fixed issue with Complementary products not working correctly in Quickshop

  • Swatches no longer maintain active state when hovering has ended

  • Fixed issue with Video hero section text shadows showing even when text is removed

  • Fixed issue with 'Show cents as superscript' setting not applying to collection pages, recently viewed sections, and 'more from vendor' sections

  • Collection and search pages now correctly display stock availability filters

  • Optimize performance for country flags in currency dropdown

v5.1.0 - April 2, 2024


  • Adds Advanced Accordion section


  • Removed references to Shopify Product Reviews app settings

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixes issue where hamburger menu isn't clickable when Menu layout is set to 'Logo center, menu below'

  • Fixes issue with mobile checkout buttons not working due to an overlay

  • Improves cropping of product gallery images

  • Predictive search and cart item now correctly hide elements meant to be visually hidden

  • Fixes issue where size chart icon did not appear next to variant option name

  • Fixes various missing translations

  • Improves sizing of logo list images

  • Improves sizing of quick shop modal

  • Fixes opacity issues with color scheme patterns

  • Fixes issue with rich text editor formatting not being applied to announcement bar content

  • Fixes issue where thick and thin product tile style were not showing on product grids

  • Fixes issue with text and button alignment in Text Columns with Images section

  • Fixes issue with heading style not applying to navigation links

  • Fixes issue with variant labels not updating when clicking through variant options

  • Fixes issue with collection filter for availability not showing correctly

v5.0.1 - February 21, 2024


  • Adds support for send on field on gift card recipient form



Fixes and other improvements

  • Letter spacing typo in typography settings

  • Fixed padding issue in predictive search results

  • Fixed duplicate buttons on product page

  • Cart recommendations products within cart drawer are now showing quick add and quick view buttons

  • Fixed some shopify theme check linting warnings

  • Fixed issue where specific product tile styles were causing a horizontal scrollbar to appear. Uncovered a larger issue with our styles and variables.

  • Fixed issue with price range filter initializing too many times on collection page

  • Fixed issue for CSS variables and negative margins on product grid item

  • Fixed issue for image variant bug

  • Fixed issue for Testimonials section where images would sometimes not show and their alignment was incorrect when text was set to right aligned

  • Fixed issue for excess quantity when set to cart page type

  • Fixed issue with promo grid images not showing

  • Fixed issue with default state of countdown timer

  • Fixed issue with predictive search pricing and vendor

  • Fixed how triggers for size chart and quick shop are initialized

  • Sets min-width for variant dropdowns

v5.0.0 - December 11, 2023

  • New theme architecture built on Liquid Theme Components

  • Fine-grained control over how JS loads for the interactive components via Islands architecture. Load JS as it’s needed, load the rest when the page becomes idle.

  • Support for JavaScript Import Maps

  • Refactored code into Theme Components found inside the snippets folder

  • Refactored JS from single bundles like theme.js and vendor.js into individual ES Modules

  • Refactored to use Custom Elements better JS structure, section lifecycle handling, and JS event management

  • Refactored Quick Shop and Quick Add components for better loading and functionality

  • Global theme setting for animating page transitions have been removed

  • Lazyload images section setting removed from slideshow sections

  • Removed a combined 100 lines of repeated swatch logic from recommended products and hotspots sections

  • Various improvements made to improve page load time

  • Improved our LCP score by 1.63s

  • Image zoom works for right aligned product galleries

  • Escape key closes Search when Predictive search is disabled

  • Centered logo is correctly positioned on mobile header

  • Color scheme textures are working correctly

  • Fixed missing translation error for recipient form

  • Product thumbnails are visible when set to ‘Below media’

  • Fixed issue with opacity for theme modals’ background-colour

  • Heading shows correctly for Text columns with icons section

  • Fixed issues with inventory status not showing correctly for variants and incorporated merchant feedback to improve the overall logic

v.4.4.1 - July 11, 2023

  •  Added support for recipient fields on gift card products

  •  Added support for app blocks to more sections

  •  Added support for Follow on Shop button

  •  Swatch size setting has been moved under the Products heading within the global theme settings

  •  Inventory transfer notice is better displayed on product pages

  •  Images centered in the rich text editor now also show as centered in the storefront

  •  Global setting for adjusting the stroke weight of icons now works as intended

  •  Newsletter form requires email input to be filled out before it is submitted

  •  Images have a quicker fade-in effect

  •  Improved behaviour for predictive search experience

  •  Improved layout for when text direction is set to right-to-left in global theme settings

v4.3.4 - May 4, 2023

  • Products returned in search results without images will no longer produce a liquid error

  • Text columns with icons section now includes translations for its settings

  • Image comparison arrows show up correctly on iOS

  • Predictive search updated to use Locale-aware URLs

  • Autofocus removed from search input so that the 'skip to maintain content' link is accessible

  • Opacity of img tags is no longer set to zero by default

  • Improved layout of image and text section

v4.3.3 - April 24, 2023

  • Restored expected functionality of the header menu dropdowns introduced in our accessibility changes, menus will now hover to open by default

  • Logos in headers and footers no longer appear blurry

  • Fixed checkout button issues on cart dropdown and cart drawer

  • Image comparison images will no longer overlap

v4.3.1 - April 3, 2023

  • Added support for Shopify's search suggestion functionality

  • Various accessibility improvements across the theme

  • Various improvements to images

  • Fixes collection page layout

  • Button on text columns with icon section will now show as intended

  • Improved layout of products per row on more from vendor/collection sections

v4.2.0 - February 13, 2023

  • New complementary products block to product page

  • New image masks to various sections

  • Support for focal points

  • Support for section groups

  • Support for heading alignment and size to various sections

  • Collection filters now accept boolean metafield values

  • New scrolling text section

  • Newsletter section now supports adding an image

  • Product grid now has a 'Products per row' setting

  • Footer section now supports adding an image block

  • Improved image loading across all images

  • Blog comment fields are now required inputs

  • Improved messaging when customers try to purchase beyond available quantity

  • Countdown will now display properly on Safari

  • Sub collections will now display properly on multi-language stores

  • Color swatches on related products will now work as intended

v4.1.0 - October 11, 2022

  • Adds in countdown feature

  • Adds in image hotspot feature

  • Adds in image comparison feature

  • Adds in age verification feature

  • Adds in new color scheme patterns

v4.0.1 - September 22, 2022

  • Store availability tooltip will now properly display the product title

  • Fixes issue where product image was not changing on variant selection

v4.0.0 - September 13, 2022

  • Add smart availability logic to dropdown option selects

  • Add labels to form inputs

  • Ensure languages are capitalized in selector

  • Improves low inventory label color

  • quickview:loaded and quickview:open events will now return productId instead of sectionId

  • Improves mobile scrolling on product pages

  • Products page with hidden buy buttons will now work as intended

  • Inventory transfer notices will now will now display the correct information on variant change

  • Low inventory stock label will now correctly display on variant change

  • Improves vimeo support on product page

  • Mouse dragging on product images will no longer trigger zoom

  • Featured products in the mega menu will now display as intended on multilingual stores

  • Product swatches on collection page will now toggle as intended on hover

v3.1.0 - August 3, 2022

  • Adds 'fixed' and 'flexible' setting for product thumbnails.

  • Improves parallax feature

  • Fixes issue where collection list limit can break when changing values

  • Improves logic for newsletter popup states

v3.0.1 - May 26, 2022

  • Fixes pagination issues on list collection templates

  • Fixes issue where size chart could disappear

  • Size chart will now follow store background colour

  • Custom pre-order templates will now show the pre-order button as intended

  • Corrects sizing and shape of colour swatches

  • Fixes issue where dragging a slide opens the slide link

  • Fixes issue where quickshop product images collapse

  • Fixes various overlapping issues seen between popups and other elements on the page

v3.0.0 - May 11, 2022

  • Adds a 'Text columns with icons' section

  • Size chart has been removed from the 'variant picker' block and added as it's own standalone block

  • Adds support for block attributes

  • Improves design of newsletter popup and adds a reminder feature

v2.5.4 - Apr 14, 2022

  • Fix a couple of missing translations references in global settings.

v2.5.3 - Apr 12, 2022

  • Add full support for Italian, Spanish, German, French, and English locales

  • Even more option select logic improvements

v2.5.2 - Mar 8, 2022

  • Adds support for overlay header on created collection templates

  • Refine product option select logic

  • Prevent mobile nav from miscalculating height on open/close

  • Fix gap in mobile sticky filter bar

  • Hides size chart when setting is empty

v2.5.1 - Feb 25, 2022

  • Restore functionality to mobile sort filters on collection page

v2.5.0 - Feb 17, 2022

  • Add size chart feature

  • Updated icon set for sales point feature

  • A more intuitive variant selector

  • Disable margin when no slide exists

  • Ensure pricing text doesn't break with long titles

  • Fix for mobile nav with duplicate titles.

  • Fix page transition bug on article template

  • Add CSS preload header

  • Removes extra white space caused by pagination

v2.4.0 - Jan 25, 2022

  • Added country support for currency selector

  • Fix for search filter parameters

  • Fix for mobile scrolling when sticky header is disabled

  • Update Flickity to v2.3 to fix iOS15 swiping bug natively

  • Fix product slideshow reflow

  • Fix subcollections not showing on collection pages

v2.3.0 - Dec 20, 2021

  • Add search filters

  • Fully support Shopify Product Review app blocks. Remove theme-defined review blocks

  • Do not re-open newsletter popup if optional CTA button is clicked

  • Update collection product count after filter used on mobile

  • Change cart terms and conditions setting to type page

  • Prevent duplicate subcollections showing when duplicated in menu

  • Add price to quick-add form

  • Prevent collection filters breaking if featured collection section added to page

  • Ensure unique ID on quick-shop contact form tabs

  • Use search route when submitting predictive search field

  • Fix MP4 video accessibility inside Flickity slideshow

v2.2.0 - Nov 17, 2021

  • Remove minified JS - new Shopify requirement

  • Add setting to show Shopify Reviews tab open on page load

  • Prevent newsletter popup on password page

  • Fix Photoswipe bug on iOS15

  • Fix bug where sorting doesn't work if filter is active with a space in the name

  • Fix filtering on vendor collection pages

  • Allow tablets to close navigation by clicking outside of it

v2.1.1 - Oct 20, 2021

  • Prevent vertical scrolling when interacting with slideshows on iOS15

  • Convert FAQ page to JSON+LD structured data

v2.1.0 - Oct 4, 2021

  • Support metafields for custom product tabs and labels

  • Do not update inventory notice when inventory policy is continue

  • Fix quick view description tabs not opening occasionally

  • Update Facebook icon

  • Prevent image set feature from breaking when misspelled in alt tag

  • Add fuzzy search to basic search page

  • Fix mobile filter visibility after selection

  • Fix iOS15 product carousel jank because of Flickity bug

v2.0.1 - Aug 25, 2021

  • Allow multiple collection filters to be selected without page refresh

  • Add product blocks for Product Reviews app by Shopify

  • Add custom code block to product template (supports Liquid)

  • Update 'Custom content' section to support Liquid code

  • Add support for app sections

  • Fix quantity selector not working in quick view

v2.0.0 - Aug 18, 2021

  • Online Store 2.0 - "Sections Everywhere"

v1.0.5 - Jul 6, 2021

  • Fix duplicate collection filter JS when using back/forward browser buttons

  • Initialize media/videos when first slide and image set feature active

  • Fix missing color scheme text definition

v1.0.4 - Jun 23, 2021

  • Add new preset design, Contemporary

  • Add ability to move description next to image

  • Add ability to disable cloned header and footer menu content

  • Support multiple custom product grid labels

  • Add related collection products on product page

v1.0.3 - Jun 17, 2021

  • Dispatch JS event for when quick add modal opens

  • Add color settings for announcement bar

  • Updated Pinterest icon

  • Add mobile image to image hero section on pages

  • Fix map section details not showing on mobile

  • Fix product videos not playing when using image set feature

v1.0.2 - May 18, 2021

  • Add Shop Pay Installments banner

  • Fix recommended product visibility after adjusting cart page

  • Fix price size inconsistency if span=money is in shop money format

  • Fix subcollection feature when language ISO code is 4 letters

  • Fix image set feature not autoplaying MP4 videos

  • Simplify dynamic variant availability JS

  • Better sizing of filter dropdown drawer

  • Add 'view all' links to mobile menu when parent is a collection

v1.0.1 - Apr 29, 2021

  • Add style options for product description layout

  • Fix footer page links not going to correct URL

  • Add setting to remove product link from mega menu

v1.0.0 - Apr 26, 2021

  • Theme launch!