Using the Featured product section


The Featured product section is used to highlight and promote specific products that stand out on your shop, typically on the homepage but can also be added elsewhere. The main benefits of using the Featured Products section are improving product visibility and improving store revenue.

Using this section is a greatly effective way of enticing your customers to discover new products, compelling them to make a purchase. You may also use this to showcase clearance and best-seller items to capitalize on products’ popularity and continue driving sales.

Adding the Featured Product section

Here are the steps to add the Featured Product section on your theme:

  • Login to your Theme editor and navigate to the page you would like to display this section.

  • You'll see a list of available sections on the left-hand side. Locate the Add section button and click on it

  • From the list of available sections, find and select Featured Product.

Breaking down the customization options

After adding the Featured Product section, you will be presented with customization options and settings that you can adjust to match your store's style.

  • Product - From here, you will have the option to select the specific product that you wish to feature or display.

  • Show section divider - This will simply add a divider and space at the top of the Featured Product section, separating it from the section above it.

  • Show SKU - When this box is checked, the SKU assigned to that particular product will be displayed below the product title.

  • Media position - This refers to the position of your product and thumbnail images. When 'Left' is selected, the image will be displayed on the left side of the screen while the product description and details are displayed on the right.

  • Media size - This refers to the size of the product images. You'll have the option to select Small, Medium, or Large.

  • Enable image zoom - When this feature is enabled, your website visitors are given the option to enlarge an image. This feature is essential for products with intricate details and textures that may not be clear or visible when the image is zoomed out.

  • Thumbnail position - This refers to the position of the thumbnail images. They can be displayed either 'Next to media' or 'Below media'. Keep in mind that this only affects the desktop view.

  • Show thumbnail arrows - Enabling this will display up and down arrows (when thumbnail position is set to 'Next to media') or left and right arrows (when thumbnail position is set to 'Below media') that will allow users to view the rest of your product images.

  • Mobile layout - This refers to how the product images are displayed on mobile. When 'Full width' is selected, only one image at a time is visible on mobile view, however, when '75% width' is selected, then a glimpse of the other photos will be visible, showing the user that more product images are available.

  • Enable video looping - When this feature is enabled, your product media videos will continuously repeat with multiple replays.

  • Video style - This will give you an option to autoplay video without sound or play video with sound, which should be intentionally started by a user's click.

Just like on the product page, you are also given the option to add different product blocks like, the Quantity selector, Size chart, Sales point, Text, Trust badge, and more.

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