Using the Countdown timer section


The Countdown timer is a great feature that can be used to highlight limited-time promotions or build anticipation for an upcoming sale or product launch.

Adding the Countdown timer section

  • Login to your Theme editor and navigate to the page you would like to display this section.

  • You'll see a list of available sections on the left-hand side. Locate the "Add section" button and click on it.

  • From the list of available sections, find and select "Countdown".

Section details

The main section includes settings to change the layout, colors and add a background image:

The Countdown timer has three blocks:

Text - allow you to add a heading and some description text. Make sure to use a catchy title!

Timer - input the end date and time for your promotion. There is also a setting to hide the timer upon completion and replace it with a new message.

Button - call-to-action button to route your customers to a specific page.